IT Security Trainings and Security Awareness Courses

Nextgen IT security trainings

To deliver specific knowledge to your organisations IT teams, as subject matter experts we have partnered with Reflare, one of the world’s leading IT security training companies. Start learning the right way.

Cyberattack trends show rapid growth in numbers, methods, and complexity yielding success in terms of the number of compromised systems and data breaches which makes it imperative that any individual capable of using information technology resources understands the value of those resources and their responsibility of keeping them safe from abuse. A formal security training program, aside from being mandated by regulations and standards, is a must for any modern business.

Dot.Bit will assist you in building tailored security training programs to help you raise the level of awareness amongst your team and help you push responsibility throughout your organisation.

Either onsite or remotely, we can design security courses based on your specific business needs, starting from scratch or converting your existing information security policies into structured courses. Our tailored security training provides professional courses for any position in your enterprise. Main focus is to provide your team with the knowledge necessary to meet security and compliance challenges.


Reflare specialises in providing comprehensive IT security training programs with cloud-based live challenges, allowing you to deliver capability development to your IT employees, developers and administrators anywhere in the world. For a fraction of the cost of traditional IT security training programs, Reflare will enable you to roll out enterprise-wide IT security development initiatives without the usual logistical, staffing and scheduling difficulties. With no final exams, no tedious cramming and no multiple-choice questions, you will get greater engagement from participants, effective skill development, measurable results, and real-world experience. With Reflare, you can ensure all of your IT employees and security staff comply with PCI-DSS training requirements, without breaking the bank.


Why do most IT security trainings fail? -Your employees hate their current IT security training. Don’t believe us? Ask them! To most employees, security training programs are a nuisance, not a chance to improve. Most find IT security training static and tedious, where sessions conclude with a multiple-choice test that has no practical application. Often driven by compliance requirements, users receive cumbersome training curricula disconnected from work-flow and devoid of real-world context. Reflare challenges this with three world-class IT security training offerings that make training relevant, customised and engaging.

Reflare Certified Secure Administrator

A hands-on, premium security training program with cloud-based live challenges designed specifically for administrators

Reflare Certified Secure Developer

A fully PCI-DSS compliant premium security training program with live challenges in the cloud tailored specifically for developers

Get started right away with RCSA and RCSD!

Here you can purchase licenses for RCSA and RCSD. You will be redirected to Reflares’ payment page.

Reflare Certified Secure Employee

A cost-effective, compliance and awareness training program delivering enterprise-wide IT security foundations suitable for all employees
PCI-DSS / ISO 27001, Trainee Management Dashboard, Real-Time Compliance Reporting, Raw Data Exporting, User Completion Reminders, Enterprise-Wide Solution
Shorter Training Periods, Fewer Vulnerabilities, Better Training Coverage, Faster Code Fixes, Increased Developer Cooperation,
Customised Learnings, Interactive Skill Development, Deeper Understanding of IT Security, Aligned with the NIST 800-50 standard